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New Zealand to Fiji  Pictures

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New Zealand to Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu and Australia

New Zealand prep to Minerva Reef and Fiji and beyond to Australia.


26th May 2015 through to 3rd July 2015

After our second return to New Zealand we sailed overnight on the day of arrival, North to Opua NZ where we cleared immigration. We  left just a day later ahead of a large low  for an 11 day crossing to the Fiji Lau group stopping only one night at minerva reef. The first two days of the passage was 'hectic' big winds on the nose water everywhere over the boat, after that it settled down.

We cleared immigration at LomoLomo Northen Lau with the help of the ICA rally that arrived from Tonga. Then we were off with Paul and Susie on Firefly to dive at Viani then re-stock fruit and veg in SavuSavu. From here a two day trip West to the Fijian Yasawa islands, which we are slowly heading South down currently. We have seen few other yachts apart from in SavuSavu throughout our route through Fiji but we expect to meet more from this years world Rally as we get to Musket Cove in a few days time.


4th July - Leave Fiji for Vanuatu

430nm Trip fast downwind sailing. Sailed into Tanna one of he Southern islands worst hit by Cyclone PAM. Port Resolution was the bay we entered. Vanuatu was a really special part of our trip.


16th July - leave Vanuatu Port Villa for Mackay Australia. 1162nm arriving 22nd July.

fast Downwind trip again in rough conditions F6 and above for most of the 7 days. We transited the Great barrier Reef at Hydrographers Passage it was still 110nm onward to Mackay, arriving the next day.


28th July  - Left Mackay 60nm North to explore the famous Whitsunday islands and the great barrier reef.

We toured the islands with Susie and Paul on Firefly, the islands were stunning especially when the cloud left us and winds dropped in the 2nd week. By the 5th Firefly continued North eventually on their way to Malaysia, we will seee them next near Christmas in the UK !

Pat and I spent a few days in Airlie beach and took the opportunity to fly over the Great Barrier reef off the whitsundays - a special birthday treat for me - although great value. On the 8th August we will depart South again towards Mackay with one planned overnight stop.



See Blogs for more detail:














Vanuatu  Pictures

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Australia 2015 Pictures

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This site is dedicated to this sailing venture both for our reference, friends and family.

​BriZo - The greek goddess known as the 'Protector of Mariners, Sailors, and Fishermen'

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