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Maiden Voyage

Southampton to Dartmouth

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On the 26th of April and less than 2 weeks from Lloyd our son getting married we took the handover of Brizo from the Discovery team. This followed a spring of extended comissioning which passed by all too fast.

Used to our privious Maxi at just 38ft and having had a 3 year break from sailing It just seemed so large for the two of us to handle.

We had several weekends on the water much of it around the Marina during this perid which was invaluable. However as our a fully laden Maxi weighed only as much as the keel on BriZo, a total of 24 tons it took a bit to get her going in reverse to get steerage and of course a bit to stop her when entering a berth !

Pat had to return with the car from Southampton and our sons Murray and Lloyd helped me bring the yacht back in a single trip to Dartmouth our home town.

This site is dedicated to this sailing venture both for our reference, friends and family.

​BriZo - The greek goddess known as the 'Protector of Mariners, Sailors, and Fishermen'

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