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O C E A N  S A I L I N G   A B O A R D   B R I Z O

 E  X  P  L  O  R  E  - D  R  E  A  M  - D  I  S  C  O  V  E  R 

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A B O U T  U S  & W H Y  S A I L I N G  

 T A K I N G  T H E  P L U N G E  

Like many of us, Pat and I (Stuart) have arrived at 'that age' all too quickly. Life has been absolutely non-stop, raising two boys, house development projects and running businesses.


Suddenly we are at that point when we realise that time is running short and there is so much more to achieve.

It is also the point where the children are educated and working, the dog has passed away so we have few ties and a short window of opportunity.


Having sailed on and off for twenty + years, using both our own yachts based in Dartmouth UK or chartering abroad for holidays, we both enjoy the freedom that sailing gives you away from normal life.



" Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do"

So throw off the bowlines - Sail away from the safe harbour - Catch the trade winds in your sails - Explore - Dream - Discover.


 " Mark Twain "

Brizo 1

The first time we set sail for open water we did so aboard our first purpose built boat, Brizo.  44,000 miles over 8 years around the world.

This site is dedicated to this sailing venture both for our reference, friends and family.

​BriZo - The greek goddess known as the 'Protector of Mariners, Sailors, and Fishermen'

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